Thursday, July 31, 2008

ME! ME! ME! "Beloved YouTube" ediccione

ME! ME! ME! The Cassendre Xavier Newsletter
the "Beloved YouTube" ediccione, if you will. (As it were.)

Thursday, July 31, 2008





Hello, beautiful human-types. I hope this message finds you feeling energized and in air conditioned spaces as often as possible!
If you aren't already in my official Yahoo Group, please do send a blank email to:, as this will assist Moi greatly in being able to distribute this newsletter with the click of a button. Otherwise, I have to go into several email accounts and send from there, which is why some of you may have not received a newsletter in a while. If you're one of those folks, click here to read past issues.
As usual, these newsletters are most fun to read after being printed out. Lots has been going on, as usual - readeth thyself onward to findeth out more!

With the essential assistance of CX/ARah fan (and tennis great) Dennis Slade, Jr, I have been able to maintain a steady diet of YouTube postery (a.k.a. "postational devices" or, more simply, "postage"). This past weekend, we recorded eleven new posts, ten of them music, and one of them me talking to a *fan (*that's kind of a joke, and you'll see how...). Here's the music we recorded:


a) On the Rag Again (lyrics by CX - music by Willie Nelson)

b) One Lucky Girl (words+music by CX)

c) Letters From Heaven (words + music by CX)

d) Your Woman (words & music by CX)

e) To Be (words+music by CX)
(Click here to download the album version of this song for only .99cents at amazon!

f) Happy To Be Alive (words + music by CX)
(Click here to download the album version of this song for only .99cents at amazon!)

g) Confide in Me (words+music by CX)
(Click here to download the album version of this song for only.99cents at amazon!)

h) Friend (words+music by CX)

With the exception of "On the Rag Again", all the above original songs are on CX records, available at Never let it be said. :-)


a) For the Good Times (Kris Kristofferson, new arrangement by CX)

b) Just Be Good To Me (S.O.S. Band, new arrangement by CX)

c) When I Come Around (Green Day, new arrangement by CX)

To view/hear them all, plus older posts of other CX original and cover songs, as well as the footage of me talking and being silly, visit the official CX YouTube hang-out at You can also embed the videos onto your blog or website from there. Yay!


a) Friday, August, 1 2008, 7:00pm
I'm performing as part of the Fifth Annual Black Women's Arts Festival.
This event is called BWAF Presents - Powerful: First Friday Arts & Live Performance Crawl Featuring--Visual Arts & Live Performance.
Details: BWAF Arts Crawl - Metropolitan Bakery & Cafe 4013 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
Cost : Donations accepted.
CDs will be available for cash and credit card sale. For more about the Black Women's Arts Festival, please visit

b) Sisters' Sanctuary has a lovely blog and has featured BWAF in it this week. The post is titled "Sisters' Worth Celebrating - July 2008 - The Black Women's Art Festival" and you can read it by clicking on it or by visiting


May the road always rise up to meet you.
May your health and youth be overflowing all the days of your life.
May friends and loved ones be abundant and true.
May you always know your purpose, and follow it well.
May all your fondest wishes and dreams come true, surpassing all your expectations (or something better), and may it be for the good of all.

In art, sisterhood, and communitay,

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah
renaissance negresse

-------To read ME! ME! ME! archives, please click here or visit

-------To contact Cassendre for booking or other inquiries, please email:,or reply to this email.
Phone: (212) 631-1018. Postal service: Cassendre Xavier, c/o Black Women's Arts Festival, 3721 Midvale Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19129-1743 USA

-------To subscribe to this newsletter, please send a blank email to:

-------To unsubscribe, please send a blank email to: or hit reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.

--------Thank you and make yourself a beautiful day. ---------

Friday, July 25, 2008

ME! ME! ME! "Reader Feedback" ediccione

ME! ME! ME! The Cassendre Xavier Newsletter
the "Reader Feedback" ediccione, if you will. (As it were.)

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah is a self-described "renaissance negresse" (musician/writer/actress/visual artist). She is the award-winning founder of Philadelphia's annual Black Women's Arts Festival (est. 2003) and currently resides in her native city of New York. Visit her online at




Well, helloooooo, m'wee pupperlings, how are ye all?!
I am feeling waaaay super duper chipper on account of all the writing I've been doing. It is truly wonderful for the brain to be used when one's brain is fashioned to, uh, be used in this, uh, fashion, heh-heh!
As usual, I must remind ye that the best way to enjoy this newsletter is to print it out and read it on the john or over breakfast. Don't be all trying to absorb it in a few seconds and blame me for making it too long, alright? Thanks! Also, I don't edit these days, I just let it pour out and go "Doh!" over the mistakes later after I've already sent it everywhere and printed out my own copy to read myself to sleep just before bedtime as such as it were there.
I am officially hereby issuing a parental advisory because as time goes on, my writing gets a wee lustier, so iffn' any youths are on this list, you may want to warn them. But other than young Miguel in France, whose lovely family I met while busking here in NY, I'm pretty sure all the rest o' yuzz are adults like me!
I urge ye to post blog comments or email me whenever the spirit moves ya. All feedback is welcomed and most appreciated!
That official type stuff having been said now I can move along and say thanks for letting me be mice elf again, and for reading my words with patience and openness. Hope you're well!

I reached two breakthroughs as a writer this past week - the first is that I wrote so much, just to make myself happy, and then after I did that, I felt so happy that the things I used to depend on for a significant amount of Moi's happiness, such as a letter from a pen pal (not just any pen pal, mind you, but someone I once knew, and yes, I do mean in the Biblical sense, heh-heh ;-), anyway, this used to be a highlight of my week, to receive a letter from this person, but then I was making myself so happy writing and posting a lot that it was still sweet but didn't mean as much as before. Second breakthrough was that my level of feedback from readers has reached the point where I can no longer personally respond to each of you. This is one reason I've decided to occasionally include a portion of your responses in my ME! ME! ME! Newsletter. I will leave all quotes "anonymous", and I'm only interested in posting things that you send in that may be useful to someone on my mailing list, not just "Great newsletter, Cassendre!" although that does warm the cockles of my heart and thank GOD I have an excuse to say that word, twice even: Cockles. Heh-heh! Cockles! Okay, now I'm just pushin' it. :-)

Here is some feedback from readers, as well as some conversations I've had with readers, as a result of your feedback, which may be of help, or at the very least, a goodly amount of entertainment, as it were. (If you will.) I hope you enjoy, because I certainment did!

(P.S. I'm not including the feedback I got on my "Pap Smear" article. Details down below. Pun intended, heh-heh!)

Firstly, the idea for this issue came in part from a reader who responded to my ME! ME! ME! "Look In Your Own Car" ediccione:

" i have to share this with you. when your last newsletter came thru i had this vision. it was "WE WE WE!! the rolling down the windows edition (as it were)"

Thank you! Beautiful concept. But that I were selfless enough to share, iffn' you will, quite that much space, as it were. Seems there ain't no fakeness in the whole ME ME ME thing. I really do want it to be about ME ME ME, heh-heh. Call Moi a Miss Piggy or Barbra Streisand wanna be. I ain't too proud to hog space. By the way, pigs have thirty minute orgasms, did you know that? And they only chew AND savor their food, unlike dogs who chomp and mindlessly swallow. That's all I got to say on this matter. You know, since you asked about pigs and how long their orgasms are. ME! ME! ME!

"Thank you for your periodic Bulletins. I really enjoy reading them - they are GOOD! I am also a singer on the side (looking to change careers from --------- to the Healing Arts) and an ever-so-often 100% raw foodist. Many Blessings!"

thanks so much for taking the time to write and express your appreciation for my writing. it means a lot to me that it has helped.
the world so needs more healing, and i'm sure as you take step after step towards your dream to apply your gift in service to humanity, you and your dream will be totally supported.
you're exactly the kind of person i write the newsletter for, to inspire and share my struggle so that you know you are really not alone, and that progress does indeed happen over time.
keep the faith, keep the dream and vision clear in your mind and it WILL come to pass! i look forward to your first effort, be it CD or major live performance of your Healing Artful music and/or whatever spirit, the folks who need your healing, and the raw foods tell you to do! ---blessings, light, and hope, -c.

"I hope you're not feeling so tired"

Actually, I'm bored out of my skull, not tired. Huge diff! But I have to say the more I write, the less bored I become.

"someone told me once that boredom is not having confidence that there is space for your contribution. this was a very clarifying moment for me, as i get catatonically board for no discernible reason!"

About my recent break-up, and to anyone out there in a borderline toxic relationship considering getting out:

"Thanks for the good vibes. And good for you for getting rid of the romance that stopped being romantic. We will know that the perfect
relationship is on its way to you."


"Well, remember to soak your feet as much as you can... something I always forget to do but it feels so good... even just clogging the
drain a bit during a shower, so the warm water gets up to the ankles..."

And the shortest and sweetest:

"thank u for being u"

We should all be us. I've heard Mos Def and tons more brilliant artists say in their award acceptance speeches, "Do you."

That's what it's all about. Me being ME ME ME and you being YOU YOU YOU! It's not always easy to be yourself. It's taken
me 39 years to muster up the gumption to believe
I could totally be myself, and only time will tell how well I get that lesson

down, and how fast. I hope you can learn it faster than I did. Or if you already have,
write in and tell the rest of us your secret!

The Fifth Annual Black Women's Arts Festival is happening next Thurs, July 31st thru Sun Aug 3rd, whoo-hoo!
My set will be on Friday, August 1st, 7:00pm at the Metropolitan Bakery & Cafe 4013 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (Free--Donations Welcome). I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing, but heels will be involved.
For the complete schedule, please click here, or visit
To purchase tickets, click here, or visit


Learning new cover songs to record to YouTube, completing old originals and starting new ones. Asked my brother if I could use his studio to record myself playing keyboard on one of my next projects, and he said yes! Had an idea for a line of CDs featuring content from a book I've enjoyed for years and emailed the author of said book last week for permission to use some of the content. Still waiting to hear and in the meantime, am thinking about whether I really want to do this - it would be a huge and brand new undertaking. If I don't hear from him, that may be my answer! The print out of that email is one of my proudest possessions currently. Most excited about the possibilities of YouTube, because it's so much fun and immediate. I can't wait til you hear what songs I've been working on. You're not gonna be ready!

Man, oh, Manoschevitz, I have been writing the way Donald Trump makes money, the way Paris Hilton makes the headlines, the way the media loves themselves some Obama.
Blogs, newsletters, personal paper letters to one special writer - it's all super good stuff. Most importantly, it's balancing me out in ways I never imagined. In writing my deepest thoughts, I am vacating my mind of the pressure to maintain certain concepts. I air them out, look at them, and decide which I want to let go of. It's a beautiful thing. I've decided to just write and write and write and be happy, and then collect those bad boys into a book and then sell that puppy online. That's The Big Dream. That's The Plan. All this verbiage will someday be in your hot little hands in real paper format, either with a spine that you read on the train, or coming out of your printer in Norway because you downloaded it minutes earlier. (My first CD Baby sale was to a customer in Norway, so I'm a little fond of that country for the purposes of that story/example :-)

Below is just a smattering of what I've been writing and publishing online. Click on them or visit or to read them.

One Lucky Girl: How to Get Through a Pap Smear

One Lucky Girl - On Mothers & Sons

Green Smoothie Raw Blog - Maxi Pads, Bathroom Tissue & Ice Cream

Green Smoothie Raw Blog - A Burger Can't Come In Your Face 6/3/08
(You'll have to scroll down to read that one)

So I went to the theatre to usher, and that's a story I'll have to tell you another time because I'm running out of space.

Daydreaming and planning future projects again. You know Moi. Always "in the clouds" with my thoughts - my rightful Aquarian place :-)

The Cassendre Xavier Music Gallery (or visit )
Guided Meditations by Amethyste Rah (CX) featuring the music of Thaddeus (used with permission) (Or visit
Books by Cassendre (or visit Please note chapbooks have been discontinued and contents will be reprinted in future editions. Other books are available at the links from the website, which will be updated soon also. Thanks!
Watch Cassendre's Free Videos on YouTube! (Or visit
For even more CX videos on YouTube, use this search link, or visit

May your path always be clear and crowded with helpful friends and angels.
May your trust in yourself continuously grow and strengthen.
May your doubts fade and be replaced by newfound, unwavering faith in your self.
May joy be your constant companion.
May abundance be your state of being.
May all your best dreams and visions come true, or something better, and may it be for the good of all.

In lightlihoodness (a.k.a. "lightnation" or "lightnage"),

Cassendre a.k.a. Amethyste
renaissance negresse


Number of times the word "ass" was used in this ediccione: 1.
Words from the Official CX/ARah Wickedary (not "dick-tionary", - courtesy of uber-feminist scholar Mary Daly):
*ediccione - edition, issue
*lightlihoodness (a.k.a. "lightnation" or "lightnage" - light, or "lightery"
*pupperlings (or, alternately: pupperlinks) - an affectionate term for CX/ARah readers/listeners, used in the same appreciative spirit that Dame Edna calls her audience "possums" and Craig Ferguson calls his audience "monkeys".
*salutationary - greetings, salutations
----there are more up there, but I'm too bored to finish. Short attention span. Merry Christmas!

--------If you like ME! ME! ME! The Cassendre Xavier Newsletter, you'll love One Lucky Girl Blog and Green Smoothie Raw Blog all viewable at and --------

------------To unsubscribe, please reply with: "Unsubscribe" in the subject. Thanks!------

Friday, July 18, 2008

One Lucky Girl - On Mothers & Sons

Friday, July 18, 2008

I've heard it said before in the black community that "mothers love their sons, they raise their daughters".
Coming from one of the more chauvinistic cultures (West Indies), as a daughter with a brother, I can definitely attest to that.
But I haven't thought about it much until recently when I was romantically involved with a Latino, and re-introduced to this issue which brought up a lot of sadness, anger, resentment for me, among other challenging emotions about mothers and sons.

It started when I began to think about the disparity between how he prioritized spending time with his son as opposed to his two daughters. Granted, there were extenuating circumstances, but still I couldn't help but know with a certain sense of certainty that he would make much more of an effort to correct those circumstances had the children's genders been the other way around.

There was another major trigger for me about the very different way I perceive and experience that my mother treated and still treats me and my sister (with a mother's love and civility, but not much favor), and the way she continues to treat my brother (with unending patience, generosity, and preference). My ex-boyfriend's relationship with his own mother. They are very close. He made it a point to call her several times a week, spoke of her with total adoration and no resistance. He rarely ever talked about his daughters at all, but talked about his son.

This isn't about the mother-son relationship dynamic in cultures of color, it's about patriarchy and the favoring of the boy over the girl. This is why my ex had a father-son relationship that I envied, even thought it wasn't a "mother-son" one.

When I was four years old, my mother taught me how to use a sponge. I knew, because I was trained, very early on to clean and cook. What I hated the most was not only that my brother wasn't taught these same lessons at all, but that I, and later on my sister, were instructed to clean up after my brother. Routinely on Sunday afternoons, after church when my mother would make dinner (I was responsible for dinner on weeknights), my sister and I would set the table, and call my father and brother to the table. After the family was done eating, guess who did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen afterwards? You guessed it, the "girls". And guess who went up to his office to watch 3 o'clock international soccer? My father, as my brother went on to do whatever the heck he was doing those days.

My sister and I were never allowed to go to sleepovers because "girls can get pregnant", but my brother could because he didn't have a uterus.(The double standard that he and other boys were the ones impregnating the girls (so why were THEY allowed to go out?) didn't occur to me until many years later.)

In my late teens, my mother took us three out for clothes shopping once. We came across some nifty faded denim overalls that my sister and I coveted. We begged my mother to let us have a pair, but she refused and tried instead to get them for my brother who wasn't even really interested. That, I don't think was so much her favoring him because he was a boy, but resisting getting for us an unfeminine item such as "Farmer Bob"-type gear.

Living in "El Barrio" ("the neighborhood" in East/Spanish Harlem NYC), I get to see lots of mother-son dynamics at play. I very rarely see mothers coddle their daughters as they do their sons.

Just today I read a quote from actress Salma Hayek about her daughter and how she had originally wished for a boy instead of a girl, because, "there is always conflict between mother and daughters" (Glamour Magazine).

Other than the conflicts that come from a dysfunctional family, I don't think I or my sister had an unusual amount of conflict with my mother, but there was certainly less of it between my brother and her.

This issue of mothers and sons and their favored relationship (in patriarchy and families/communities of color - not that I can speak so much for Asian/Pacific Islander/Native cultures), goes very deep and even affects spirituality. For starters, I think how we relate to our parents affects how we later related to this so-called "God" we are trained from a very early age to believe in, obey, and fear.

Having always had deep strife with my own father, I have had a lifelong resistance to comply with organized religion or christianity (I'll capitalize that word as soon as "paganism" is capitalized) as well.

My ex-boyfriend, on the other hand, was not only into christ/ianity, or "the christendom" as he called it, but actually at one point joined a very strict fundamentalist catholic cult. Meanwhile, at the same stage of the mid-adult years of my spiritual experience, development, and identity, I was studying mysticism, the Tao, Zen Buddhism, and Wicca. Don't get me wrong, I dug Christ, but only because he did some pretty awesome things.

In my mid 20s, I noticed and told my Dominant boyfriend at the time, a distinct correlation between how I was feeling about my father that particular time, and how I felt about God. When I was angry with my father, I was an agnostic, pentacle-wearing "witch". This also affected my relationships with men and how trusting, healthy, or intimate, I could be with them. And when I was at peace with my father, I suddenly began exploring the idea and a renewed relationship with God.

There have been times in my life when I have felt a deep need to surrender and come back to God, men, the whole frikkin' she-bang. But then I also remind myself that I always have a relationship with God, even if I'm "just" calling it "the Universe", "Source", "the Flow", "the Light", "Oneness", or something else.

I think my often strained relationship with my mother affected my concept of, identifying, and relationship with femaleness.
I have a hard time with the idea of "Goddess(es)" and no more accepted the concept of "maiden, mother, crone" in the Dianic Wicca I was studying than I could in the "father, son, and holy spirit/ghost" that I was indoctrinated with from birth.
It is work that I do now to awaken in myself the divine feminine, so that I can empower all that I am, and I envy somewhat my ex that he had and continues to have such a strong and loving, accepting relationship with his mother that he easily and predominantly sees his God as female, even though he's also macho in many ways, and from one of the most macho cultures to be found.

I wish Black and Latina mothers were as sweet, generous, and affectionate with their daughters as they are to their sons, but I recognize that the solution to feel better about how I grew up isn't to indulge these negative feelings and memories, but to both find instances that dispute my claim, as there are, I'm sure many (I've found pictures of my mother hugging me when I was a toddler that warmed my heart and brought back previously lost memories), and most importantly, to give myself the same sweetness, generosity, and affection I am claiming to not have received, or at least, in amounts equal to that which my brother was given by our mother.

Only in loving myself to the degree I wish I had been loved can I make significant process in healing and resolving this issue for myself.

All best,

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah
renaissance negresse

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One Lucky Girl: How to Get Through a Pap Smear

Wed, July 16th, 2006

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah is a self-described "renaissance negresse" (musician/writer/actress/visual artist). She is the award-winning founder and former director of Philadelphia's annual Black Women's Arts Festival (est. 2003), and currently resides in her native city of New York.

Ever hear of a little thing called "vaginismus"? Pronounced "va-gin-ISS-muhs", it's a condition that some women have that makes any kind of vaginal penetration, no matter how small, unbearably painful.
Women who have been sexually abused, experienced a painful first pelvic exam, and/or are dealing with serious diseases, such as cancer and (especially if undergoing radiation/chemotherapy) are among the most common to suffer from this condition.
Treatment often includes using a set of "vaginal dilators", which are basically dildos in graduating thickness and length. The woman is prescribed these expensive objects by her physician, who then instructs her to insert them daily for a minimum of fifteen minutes.
Or, you can use other methods, such as your own or your lover's dildo or finger(s).
Having this condition makes it darned difficult to get through a pap smear, the annual pelvic exam every woman should have at least once a year, moreso if cancer runs in her family.
But women suffering from diagnosed or undiagnosed vaginismus aren't the only ones. Women who have issues with their genitals for whatever reason, especially transmen (women who are transitioning to the male gender) tend to ignore or put off this very important process. This is one reason cancers of the female reproductive system are on the rise among this population. I also believe that deep and long-held resentment (holistically thought to be the main cause of cancer) of these areas are also a major reason.
Be that as it may, I happen to be one of those chyks. I won't go into details, but let's just say that going to get my "bits checked out" as my dear friend Kelli Dunham says on her new/forthcoming comedy album "Almost Pretty" urges each of us to do, regardless of our feelings about said bits, used to be a very, very difficult thing for me.
In the past few years, it's been much easier, and at my annual check up yesterday, it was such a breeze that I can honestly say that I officially am no longer afraid to go get prodded with plastic! Not bad for over twenty years of practicing, huh?!

Here's what I've found works like a charm. I hope it works for you and that you'll be good to yourself and try and try until it goes from being sheer hell to uncomfortable to bearable to not scary to a breeze!


(By the way, a "pap smear" is a swab of cervical cells for the early detection of any cancer-causing abnormalities. This is done once yearly with a "pelvic exam", which involves the probing of an object called a "speculum" which holds the vagina open for said probing activity. An annual pelvic exam also checks for any other diseases or conditions of the reproductive organs and surrounding internal and external areas. So there!)

1) Don't worry about it before hand. In fact, completely put the appointment out of your mind until the actual second the speculum is being inserted. If you must think about your appointment, try to change all scary and negative thoughts like "it will really hurt" and "i bet the doctor won't understand" to "it won't be so bad", "each time is easier", "it will go very fast", or "I'll have a great doctor who will be patient, compassionate, and understanding!"

2) Ask your friends for support. I got a very supportive text message minutes before my appointment yesterday. You can also ask a friend to accompany you to the appointment. Be very specific about what is required of your friend, give them ample notice of your appointment. For example:

"Dear [Good Friend], I'm going to the doctor in two weeks on such and such a date. It would be tremendously helpful to me if you could change your plans if necessary to accompany me because going to the doctor is extremely difficult and I could use your kind of help. What I would need specifically from you is: meeting me at my apartment. You calling us a cab. Sitting in the lobby with me, and then talking small and cheerful talk before and after, and then going back to my apartment with me for tea or something fun. This would be from about 2pm to 8pm. I realize this is big chunk of time in your day, but as I said, it's really important. Please let me know within 48 hours if you can do this, and if not, if you can do any of those things. Thank you for your consideration!"

This approach will very likely garner a positive response, because it gives your friend enough notice, is very clear about what is expected from her/him and exactly how much time is required.

I used to need to go for pelvic exam appointments with a friend. The lobby talk was the most comforting thing to me, as was the ride to and from the appointment. Thankfully I no longer need this, but I still need to talk to a friend or two before and after the appointment, to wish me luck before hand and I also know they're sending me psychic thoughts of support and energy that helps a lot. Afterwards, I report how well it went. This makes each appointment better and better.
I expect that someday I won't need these calls at all, and maybe I'll be the one someone calls to ask for support before and after their appointment. "Full circle", as we say in the business. And what "business" is that, you may ask? Oh, I have no idea! Read on, babycakes!

3) Reserve the right to not work with a doctor you don't feel completely comfortable with. I'm really happy this hasn't happened yet, but an example of something like it was when I went to an intake session for psychotherapy once and the person was a man who looked something like the person who abused me sexually and physically when I was growing up. First of all, I felt very uncomfortable with his maleness (I was living in wimmin's community, and totally used to chyks healing chyks) and secondly, I was totally triggered by him. I was so upset I didn't even get to the point of mustering up the gumption to say something, because I was too upset to figure out that I was upset and then decide what to do about it. Luckily being a sensitive shrink, he figured it out and surprised me, mid interview and application fillage outery, "Would you be more comfortable with a female?" I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief and said, "Yes! Yes, I would!" Kids. That's what I was at that moment, anyway, a nine year old kid. Inner Child Work. Ya gotta love it!!

Anyway, if you don't feel comfortable with the person who's gonna ram a piece plastic and then her/his fingers up yer girlhole, then you totally reserve the right to say so. And only you know the reasons why you're uncomfortable. And even if you don't know the reasons, you should stick to yer gunnational devices.

But since you're probably triggered a lot, give yourself a limit of discomfort. It's highly unlikely that the 100% absolute dreamiest, perfect, most gentle person will be there. Most likely you'll be at least a wee uncomfortable, so allow for that. Otherwise you'll waste time putting of the exam til you find this perfect person who doesn't exist. Oh, and by the way it's not always a doctor proper. Sometimes it's a nurse practitioner, and they, in my opinion, rock and are BETTER than doctors. Yeah, I said it. Check 'em out!

4) Do breathing and relaxation exercises. For several weeks before your exam, spend some quality time with your girlhole. Talk real nice to it, lube it up and maybe stick some things in it to stretch it out. I was really really lucky that weeks before my appointment I had a lover who was quite skilled and did some of this "work" for me, heh-heh. But it's your bod and your responsibility, so even if you don't have a lover, or as I fondly like to call them, "pooty-hole stretcher", do the goshdarned gig yourself, chica! I'm such a sentimental romantic that I really don't want to do the penetration thing myself - I really prefer to leave it to someone who will really appreciate it. I've never really been that into penetration of the girlhole region - I dunno, mayhap the EXCRUCIATING PAIN of previous decades did more than a wee damage to my expectations that it could be pleasant. Now it's not so bad but still, there are many other things that feel nicer, so, but hey, where was I?? Oh yeah, stretch your hole! This is not only good to physically make the workfield more pliant for the actual exam, but mentally it gets you familiar with how and when to relax your vaginal walls so that it won't hurt when the exam is going.

5) Know the routine. You don't have to know the routine until the actual session, minutes beforehand when talking to the healthcare provider. But if you really want, you can google it, or even go to and watch an exam in progress. Then you'll know what to expect.

6) This is a huge one, HUGE. You ready for it? Okay, here it is:

Insert the speculum yourself.

Call me a slow ass learner, but it took me many years and exams to figure this one out. A stroke of brilliance happened when years ago, when it was still traumatic for me to go, and I kept moving away from the speculum to the annoyance of the provider, suddenly, I offered, "Hey, what if I put it in myself?", to which she very surprisingly and quickly agreed. And just like that, in less than a minute, I had inserted the speculum myself. It was much, much easier, because I was directing the insertion myself, I was breathing out to relax myself down there, and I wasn't scared she was gonna do something like clamp it or whatever. The twisting of the speculum afterwards was uncomfortable, but that was then. Now, it's much much easier, as it will be for you after practice!

7) Request the smallest possible speculum, and lots of lube. Your provider should comply, and these things make all the difference. One of the reasons for my "condition" was because I had a very traumatic first pelvic exam, which included a speculum much much larger than what was appropriate for me, inserted very fast, roughly, and without warning. I felt raped, and was in so much pain that even sitting in the car was very uncomfortable. No wonder I was afraid of future exams! I say this to emphasize the point that when it comes to speculums and women who are incest/sexual/physical abuse survivors, or have any issues like this at all, size really does matter, as does the "delivery" of the instrument. Slow is the way.

8) Talk through session. If that works for you. Some people are more comfortable not talking, but I personally like to know what's going to happen before it happens. That's what makes me feel comfortable and calm, which is what I need to be to go through the process with as little discomfort as possible.

9) Feel free to celebrate when you're done!
After my session, while I was still on the examining table, on my back, right after my provider removed the speculum, I started laughing and clapping like a retarded seal. "Is it okay that I'm clapping like a dork?" I asked her. "Sure!"
We had a great time, and you'd hardly recognize me from the chyk of yesteryear - totally terrified.

10) Don't put off making appointments. If you're worried you might have cancer or something, go anyway, because early detection could save your life. Go to the appointments, and expect the best results. I get my results in two weeks, and I'm expecting to hear that I'm healthy. If I hear otherwise, I will share my experience and treatment in my writing, I'm sure. But for now, I focus on the fact that no cancer runs in my family at all, and that I'm not about to start that tradition, so there! But my life is art so even if I do go through something, I'll just do what Audre Lorde did with her Cancer Journals. But I'm focusing on the positive. I'll be writing about other things instead, like recording my next albums and publishing my forthcoming books from the comfort of my home, for example! (Just for starters!)

Well, I hope this has helped you or maybe someone you know (please feel free to forward). I know that Pap Smear Difficulty is not the usual thing that folks blog about, but I really want to be of service with my writing, and after the session, it was made very clear to me that I should share this experience. I really wanted to talk about this, and reiterate what Kelli said, that we really should "get [our] bits checked out".

All best,

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah
renaissance negresse

Friday, July 11, 2008

ME! ME! ME! Newsletter "Look In Your Own Car"

ME! ME! ME! The Cassendre Xavier Newsletter
the "Look In Your Own Car" ediccione, if you will. (As it were.)
Thurs, July 10, 2008

Greetings, soldiers of life and art!
CX a.k.a. ARah here, just wiling my time away in NYC. So much livin'
and writin' I've been doing here.

The title of this week's newsletter is from a funny conversation I
had with my wee brother a few months ago. I was asking him why all his
cars had dark tinted windows. He said he didn't like people looking
in his car. He said he wishes he could say to everyone, "Hey, man,
Look in your own car." And I just thought it was ridiculously funny.
I dunno. Maybe it was just me and our wacky family humorlike
activitational qualities.
In recent weeks I have been living so hard I just haven't had time
or the energy nor the interest to write more newsletters and blogs.
I've also been feeling the wonderful normalizing effect of being in
a place I've wanted to be for years – feeling myself become
settled and things clarifying to show me what I need to do to be who,
what, and where I want and need to be.
One of the things that has happened is that I've had much more of a
need for privacy than before. Most of the writing I used to do here is
now being channeled to private letters, conversations, and emails
between close friends and artistic supporters.
What I do still want to share is my artistic progress, in hopes that it
will encourage someone out there to do more in their own creative lives.
God(dess)speed and readeth thyself on in the downward direccione, if you
will (as it were)!



Been practicing new originals and covers for my next albums.
Carrying my songbook and lyrics around with me and making track listings
for future albums. Most important thing im' doing is dreaming the
biggest dreams I ever have before, and allowing myself to really have,
at least in my head, stuff and situations I haven't allowed myself
to before. Other than that, I am hibernating, doing very few gigs while
I regroup, reclarify, redesign, and redefine myself as a

Quit the Black/Out column in PGN magazine, again with the blessing of
my editor, on account of I just wasn't happy doing it anymore, and
it had gotten to the point where it was becoming hard work just to come
up with material and I was only doing it for the money. I knew that was
bad, so I quit. Just like when I quit the other writing job recently, my
editor was really okay with it and very supportive, saying "do what
makes you happy". I really appreciate that and the blessings of my
editors. What makes me a little sad is that at least for the time being,
I can't say those two lovely words: My Editor. Someday that will
change, I hope. How envious I am of Dorothy West who once had the
pleasure of calling her editor none other than Jacqueline Kennedy
The Butch Cookbook is officially OUT! It's available to order. You
can look at lovely pictures of all of us authors. I believe mine is the
only raw vegan entry. The contributors I am super thrilled to be sharing
space with are: Carolyn Gage (amazing playwright and someone who's
inspired me for years), Lee Lynch (super prolific author), Daddy Rhon
Drinkwater (accomplished fine artist and founder of the world-famous
butch-femme dating website) Val McDermid (prolific author), Sabrina
Matthews (stand up comic), and Tret Fure (singer-songwriter). Details:
Resumed doing the Morning Pages (Artist's Way assignment) after a
whirlwind unhealthy romance ended. I didn't do the MPs during the
relationship, which was just one of the many symptoms I ignored.
Have also returned to keeping my Dreamlogue & Interpretation journal.
And I write again in my Paula White "Dreamer's Journal"\
even though sometimes I feel my
dreams are so far away from me and so weak that I don't even deserve
to write them down anymore. Then I snap the flib out of it, open the
book and write it down, because I know it's important and it
doesn't matter how weak I feel, it must be written.
Also, I'm allowing myself to dream again of future titles. I have
also reconnected with an author acquaintance I hope to be closer friends
with and have work in common with someday. She also records her self in
addition to self-publishing her writings online. Someday I will tell you
about her, but I'm waiting until I've done something I can be
super proud of first.

After I realized that I'M SO BORED, and that's why I'm
creating drama in my relationships, and that's why I engage in
self-sabotage and self-destructive behavior (going raw for 20 days and
then cooked and junk food again, for example, and that's the extent
of my Green Smoothie Raw update…) and that's why I stay in a
crappy, miserable job instead of finding a better one that I enjoy more
and that makes more money while I pursue my deepest truest dream…
Anyway, I was thinking that I need adventure and excitement in my life.
That's one thing I was seeking in a romance. Then I realized that I
need to create that for myself. My Philly sweetie said, "Why
don't you find an off broadway theatre and go volunteer there?"
And was like, you know what? You're effin' brilliant, that's
what you are!"
So I emailed the theatre that a new friend of mine volunteer ushers at
– one I was excited about. She'd sent me their schedule and I
saved the email because I really dug their work – very innovative,
on the edge, yet perfectly marketable stuff – great reviews from
TimeOut magazine. Anyway, two days ago I emailed the housemanager
saying, "I need to DO stuff!" And today I was invited to usher.
Sure it's not glamorous. I'm not acting, but I will be able to
smell the proverbial greasepaint, and see shows for free and who knows,
maybe sit in on rehearsals. Wow. You know, I've dated several
actors, and gone to their rehearsals. Time to quit dating them and start
being on the stage. Which is what I'm really attracted to by the
way, not TV or film work, but stage. The wood of the stage is just as
alive as the wood of the acoustic guitar is to me. Sound in theatres
carry as is, just like an acoustic guitar- neither has to be plugged in,
as tv and films need their electricitational devicery units.
Anyway, since I believe that acting is not acting but BEING, my acting
work involves living more powerfully. I did two things this week that
brought me closer to being an effective actress. The first thing I did
is that I told a movie director that he could no longer use a song of
mine that we had been planning for him to use. It took strength, because
he's a very challenging personality, very forceful and with no
regard for boundaries, but I called him (left a voicemail message), and
emailed him three different places. I felt bad about the thing from the
beginning and I didn't want to find out later why I felt bad about
it, so I just changed my mind now. Second thing was I told a manager of
mine at work, who is Latina and jokingly calls women "bitch",
that I didn't want her to do that. And I made sure it was a
statement and not a question. I said, "Please don't call me
bitch anymore. I know you're kidding, but I don't like it."
She said, "But I'm only joking." And I said, "I know
you're only joking, but I don't like it." And she said,
"Okay". I was really happy about that.That's gonna make me a
better actor. Also today I finally threw away the dying plant my ex
lover gave me on our first date. I don't know why I kept that thing
around, but now that it's out of my apartment, I'm happy I did
it. Not acting, but being!

Revisited and re-membered visual arts projects from my past. Rekindled
the dream, believed it was possible to do that again in the future. Went
to YouTube to find footage of people I admire, who are full artists in
other areas, and create visual arts: Rosie O'Donnell, who sells her
work and uses the proceeds to fund her nonprofit organization
(brilliant!), and Barbara Chase-Riboud, my shero and a true
"renaissance negresse". My inspiration and one of the first
black female fine artists I discovered in my late 20s (far, FAR too
late, hence my passion for black female created art and having been
chosen to bring the Black Women's Arts Festival into the world),
Barbara is an accomplished sculptor as well as an award winning author
of, among other books, the controversial "Sally Hemings". She
lives in Paris and Italy now. I also discovered that musician Herb
Alpert is an accomplished sculptor and painter now and watched his
inspiring interviews on his website. I remember that actor Anthony Quinn
became a fine artist also, and used to watch interviews of him working
in his studio when I was a wee lass, Ron Wood is a painter, the great
singer Tony Bennett is also kicking ass with his paintings. I know that
my future holds big things for my visual art as well. Moi is a late
bloomer. I'm in no hurry for this! Moi is gestating!

1) New Logo!
2) New YouTube Posts!\

3) Tickets Now on Sale!

Apology to, and belated shout out for Martina Downey, the
singer-songwriter whose lovely acoustic Yamaha with the sweet action
served me for a good month. Thank you Martina, and I apologize for
having forgotten to list you before!

So, I guess I can write you a letter now.
Hey, how are you? Whatcha been up to?
I've learned a big lesson lately: there's nothing you can create
or attract outside of yourself that you don't already have inside.
This has been extremely liberating for me.
In relationships, I know I've made progress because I'll pick
exciting things to do and not even think, "Maybe I'll meet
someone there" because I'm already too excited just being in the
thing itself, for example ushering at that theatre. I'm not doing it
to meet anyone.
I know I've made progress because my most recent relationship had
elements of sweetness that showed me that I've increased my capacity
for joy. I know I've done well because I've created beauty in my
space for me and for a lover. But I know that I have more work to do
because my roommate and I recently swanked up our place even more and I
kept looking at it the last two weeks thinking: I have GOT to bring a
guy into this scene. This is effin' HOT!
But then I remembered that Oprah often has "parties for one" all
the time, dancing alone with her dogs, and I thought to myself, why
can't I be enough? Can't it be enough that I have a nice
apartment in Manhattan, with soft white holiday lights and red wine and
satin bedding – MUST I bring someone in to enjoy that? And
that's why I know I need work. When I know that I'm enough.
I'm enough to get dressed up for, I'm enough to have a nice
place for. Then I know that I've made progress, and I will attract a
relationship that will be healthier.

Here are some of my inspirations and sources of learning for my work and
play on loving myself "enough":

Betty Dodson Betty believes that partnersex not
nearly as important as "sex for one" or "selflove".
Radical dame, that Betty, and groundbreaking work that's earned her
an honorary doctorate in sexology.

Books on relationships:

You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay\

Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation\

Books I'm reading for fun:

The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book. Simply delightful.\

Significant Others: Creativity & Intimate Partnership
by Whitney Chadwick (Editor), Isabelle De Courtivron (Editor)\

The Philosophy of Andy Warhol : (From A to B and Back Again)\
Here's just one of the
priceless quotes from this book:

"Beauty doesn't have anything to do with sex. Beauty has to do
with beauty and sex has do with sex."

I'd be reading fluff fiction iffn' I had any, but alas I do not,
and I don't need it urgently enough to go a searchin'.

Wow. I am really bored. Anyway. Bye!

To your abundage ☺

Cassendre Xavier a.k.a. Amethyste Rah
renaissance negresse

Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may dig it with a
major shovel. For other bloggational devices (when I'm in the mood-
which is darned rare these days – visit thyself to
