Come see me at IHOP this week!
Hi, folks!
Some of you know this already, but I wanted to inform you that I recently began waiting tables at IHOP to take care of my 6-year-old “BWAF” (Black Women’s Arts Festival whom I’ve decided to start thinking and taking care of as my daughter!
The new center city location is at 1320 Walnut Street (on Walnut & Juniper. Juniper is between 13th & Broad). The restaurant’s hours are 7am-2am. Yep, that’s 7 in the morning until 2 in the morning!
We just opened 2 weeks ago.
NEWS! We’re having a new promotion: Kids Eat Free from 4pm-10pm! (til Sept 13th).
There’s also some NFL promotion I don’t know everything about yet, heh-heh!
There’s also a “For Me” menu that’s got more health conscious options.
I know I’m a raw vegan and that IHOP isn’t exactly that, but if you’re not raw and you would eat here, then…
Why don’t you come up sometime – see me? (By the way, that’s what Mae West really said, not “Come up and see me sometime” You’re getting the real deal here, folks! ;-)
Here’s my schedule for the remainder of this week:
Tues (today) 5pm-Close (we close at 2am and I’m rarely out before 2am).
Wed 5-pm – Close
Thurs -------OFF-------
Fri ----OFF-------
Sat 8am-4pm
Sun 8am-4pm
Mon 5pm- Close
1320 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Cassendre Xavier
renaissance negresse and server extraordinaire!
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ME! ME! ME! The Cassendre Xavier Newsletter
Green Smoothie Raw Blog, and
the renaissance negresse museletter: art | inspiration| community
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