How to Help the Gulf of Mexico
by Cassendre Xavier
Millions of people all over the world are working on the tragic Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Since our strongest power comes from joining our heart-centered intentions with two or more people, let those of us who wish to act to solve this problem find others of a like mind. Not everyone is working in the same way to resolve this problem, and not everything about this problem is "bad". There are blessings in every situation, and we have a choice to seek and maximize the blessings. In this case, an awareness of many issues has been raised among a formerly sleeping public.
Also, many are (finally) being held accountable for their actions, and we all have this opportunity to significantly effect and/or transform the way business is done. Let us all stop judging. While it is reasonable to want and expect justice and an evening of the proverbial scales, our efforts are much better used at continued, nonstop focus on finding a way to stop the spill. We are all geniuses and when we combine our efforts for good and only coming from a place of love, we can create miracles.
If you ever feel anger or hatred towards "those" who "created" this situation, replace those feelings and thoughts with love for them and for our planet. It's not that they won't be held accountable - they will, but it's our love that will heal the planet and from there we can create a system of, or impart justice - from a wiser place.
None of us has to have the answers, but we would be much wiser to clear our hearts and minds of any thoughts that are not loving.
I'm feeling that it would be very helpful for us all to do a lot of forgiveness work. Many of us are very frustrated, and afraid. Fear is not love - and fear grows exponentially. Let's do a lot of forgiveness - think about the "jerks who made this mess" and see them as children who made a mistake. I'm not saying corporate heads need to be coddled, but we won't be the clear channels of transformational miracles if we're busy running around trying to "spank" the "bad guys". Let's put our energies on healing mother earth - ask her what she needs from us.
Do you remember the bees thing from years ago? They started disappearing? When lightworkers asked the bees why, they were told that the bees had been overused for too long.
I'm sure we don't have to go too far deep into meditation to find out what Mother Nature is trying to tell us. We as a whole have been abusing her body for far too long. We plunder without thinking --we are full of greed. We don't think of what might happen if we make a mistake. We are All One. Those "guys" who "created this mess" are extensions of, and connected to us. And that's another reason not to hate or want to hurt them. How do you want to be treated when you've made a mistake, or are misguided or didn't know any better?
At any given time, we are all doing the best we can. And when we are making mistakes, or doing things that are hurting others, we can be shown a better way, and forgiven our errors.
That's the kind of parent, friend, or lover I think I'd want, that's the kind of person I'm trying to become, and that's the way we will heal our planet, not only of this spill, but of the hatred and intolerance, and fear we've allowed to dominate our hearts and minds for far too long.
Lastly, scientists are beginning to have tools to guage things that lightworkers have always known. One of those things is that our heart and feelings significantly effect the earth. (NY Times bestselling author and scientist Gregg Braden explains this in this video I also highly recommend part one of the interview
When we have thoughts or feelings of fear, chaos, anger, rage, guilt, shame, etc. we actually contribute to the creation of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.
When we use and strenghen our hearts in love, we also bring peace and love to our physical environment.
The most powerful thing we can all do to help solve the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is to focus on love at all times, and recongize that fear is an absence of love.
Forgiveness is love, patience is love, generosity is love, hope and faith are love. Anger is a lack of love, fear is a lack of love, despair and hopelessness are an absence of love.
When we focus love and forgiveness, we will be guided to the next steps we can take. We may be led to contact an individual, organization, or action that will help this issue. Or we may simply be instructed to meditate more. Not everyone is designed to be on the frontlines.
Thanks for your consciousness, love, generosity, and focus on healing our planet.
We are All One.
Cassendre Xavier is a healing multi-media artist and Creative Life Coach. Based in Philadelphia, she is the founder and director of that city's 7th Annual Black Women's Arts Festival (July 29 thru August 1, 2010). For more information, please visit
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"How to Help the Gulf of Mexico" (c) Copyright 2010 by Cassendre Xavier. All rights reserved.